Wakerley is a rural and residential suburb located 13 kilometers east of Brisbane CBD. It was named after J.W. Wakerley who was an early owner of land near the cintersection of New Cleveland and Ingleston Roads which is currently the site of Gumdale Primary school, town hall, convenience stores and Catholic and Christian Assembly churches. The population reached 7,804 brought about by the area’s residential surge in the last decade or so based on the 2011 Australian census.
With the increase of housing and apartments plus a growing number of new estates established, the suburb should have a good drainage and sewage system to prevent any issues of flood and overflow of water. Sometimes, their function may not be readily available. Indoor occurrences of blocked drains are very common brought about by many reasons. A common one is pipes underneath kitchen sinks are blocked because of solidified grease. Oil, fatty food and solid particles often find its way down these sink holes especially those without any filtering mechanisms. Over time, they mix with cold water forming thick residues building up underneath, and eventually causes sewage water to back up the source. Hair strands along with soap suds are caught in the bends and curves of the pipes underneath the bathroom drains and could lead to clumps of hair hindering water to flow effectively Other than these, paper products, napkins and even unwanted objects are flushed down accidentally or worse intentionally in toilets and plugholes which could immediately slab water to flow into the sewage destination. The water that flows back up can also pose risk to the health if not properly handled.
Residents of Wakerley can call DCB on 07 3522 2925 and you can be assured of expert advise to your drain cleaning needs.